Mauritius is planning to create a Green Bonds Market with the help of PAGE – the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy.
Green bonds are among the financing options available to private firms and public entities seeking investment opportunities that bring positive environment and climate benefits, in addition to rates of return. Green bond financing includes projects that focus on renewable energy, waste management, pollution prevention, conservation and environmentally-friendly transport.
The Stock Exchange together with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and PAGE, organized an information session in February on green bonds for key stakeholders. With presentations from experts in the field, around 60 potential issuers, verifiers and investors are now showing interest in the initiative. They are expected to take part in an in-depth green bonds training programme in May designed by PAGE and UN Environment’s Finance Initiative in partnership with the Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, the Climate Bonds Initiative and the Center for International Climate Research (Cicero).
“The creation of an economic system favoring the emission of green bonds is in line with our policy to integrate an environmental dimension into the services already offered by the Mauritian Stock Exchange,” said Sunil Benimadhu, the Exchange’s Chief Executive.
In 2015, the stock exchange launched the SEM Sustainability Index, which identifies companies based on strong sustainability practices using a set of internationally aligned and locally relevant economic, environmental, social and governance criteria.
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