Climate-related financial risks refer to the set of potential risks that may result from climate change and that could potentially impact the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions, and have broader financial stability implications for the banking system. This report provides a brief overview on climate-related financial risks, and describes the result of a stocktake of members’ initiatives on climate-related financial risks.
The results of the stocktake suggested that:
- the majority of Basel Committee members consider it appropriate to address climate-related financial risks within their existing regulatory and supervisory frameworks;
- an overwhelmingly large share of members have conducted research related to the measurement of climate-related financial risks, while a number of members identified operational challenges in assessing climate-related financial risks such as data availability, methodological challenges, and difficulties in mapping of transmission channels. A majority of the members have raised risk awareness with banks through different channels, and many banks are disclosing information related to climate-related financial risks to some extent;
- and approximately two-fifths of members have issued, or are in process of issuing, more principles-based guidance regarding climate-related financial risks. However, the majority of members have not factored, or have not yet considered factoring, the mitigation of such risks into the prudential capital framework.
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